piClinic API

The piClinic Console exposes the piClinic API for automated testing and application development.

These piClinic API resources are available to developers:

piClinic API usage

piClinic API users must be authenticated by a username and password and some resources require user accounts with specific authorizations.

NOTE: The piClinic API is designed to run on your own server so the URLs shown in this documentation do not reference a specific server. When you see a reference to piclinic_host, substitute that with the Host Address of the server you’re running the piClinic API on to create the complete URL.

Request format

GET method requests pass parameters as query parameters and POST method requests can pass data as application/json data or as query parameters; however, passing as application/json data can prevent the data from appearing in server logs. API requests that require authorization, must also include an X-piClinic-token header with a valid session token. Session tokens are obtained by calling the session API.

Token header example

X-piClinic-token: c1cbed0e_082f_4c85_afaa_3e4286b840fd

GET request example with query parameters


where piclinic_host is the host address.

Success response format

Generally, API requests return a JSON response that consists of these objects:

Object Contents
data The requested data, if any is returned
count The number of elements returned in data. This is 0 when no data is returned.
status The status code and additional information about the response
debug Detailed information about the request for debugging (development systems only)

Note that the nature of the data object depends on the value of count.

Count Data
0 An empty string
1 A single object as defined by the resource
>1 An array of objects defined by the resource

When reading the data objects, be sure to check the count value to access them correctly.

Success response example

    "count": 1,
    "data": {
            "language": "en",
            "icd10code": "R51",
            "icd10index": "R51",
            "shortDescription": "Headache",
            "useCount": "1",
            "lastUsedDate": "2019-06-12 18:24:13"
    "status": {
        "httpResponse": 200,
        "httpReason": "Success-1"

Error response format

Error responses usually contain:

Object Contents
data Empty or null
count 0
status A non “200” status code and an explanation of the error.
debug Detailed information about the request for debugging (development systems only)

Error response example

    "count": 0,
    "data": "",
    "status": {
        "httpResponse": 404,
        "httpReason": "Resource not found. No Records."

piClinic API resource references

These piClinic API resources are available to developers:

icd resource

The icd resource contains ICD-10 (CIE-10) diagnostic codes in English and Spanish.

URL: https://piclinic_host/api/icd.php

The ICD-10 is the International Classification of Diseases (10th Revision) or, in Spanish, (CIE-10) La Clasificación internacional de enfermedades (Décima edición), which describes and provides a code for thousands of diseases and is managed by the World Health Organization. The piClinic Console supports the ICD-10, 2008-version, to the first decimal place, which provides about 12,000 codes in English and Spanish.

Note, some diagnostic codes are supported in only one language.

Method Token required? Action
GET Yes Look up a code and its description

GET method

Returns the selected ICD-10 code object or objects.

GET request parameters

A GET request must include one, and only one, of q, t, or c.

Parameter Value Function Example
q free text Return codes with description text or code value that contains the parameter value q=Headache
t free text Return codes with description text that contains the parameter value t=Headache
c ICD-10 code Return codes with a code value that matches the parameter value c=R51

A GET request can also include any or all of these parameters to organize the response data.

Parameter Values Function Example
language en or es filter results to return only the specified language language=en
sort c, t, or d sort the returned data by ascending code, text, or last-used date) sort=c

GET request example


where piclinic_host is the host address.

GET response example

    "count": 1,
    "data": {
        "language": "en",
        "icd10code": "R51",
        "icd10index": "R51",
        "shortDescription": "Headache",
        "useCount": "1",
        "lastUsedDate": "2019-06-12 18:24:13"
    "status": {
        "httpResponse": 200,
        "httpReason": "Success-1"

GET response data properties

Properties Data type Description
icd10code string ICD-10 code with decimal formatting
icd10index string ICD-10 code with no decimal formatting
language enum:
en, es
Language code of the response data
lastUsedDate datetime Date & time the diagnosis code was assigned to a patient record
shortDescription string Description of disease that corresponds to the icd10code
useCount number The number of times the diagnosis has been assigned to a patient record since the system was installed

session resource

The session resource contains the valid user sessions that can access the piClinic API.

URL: https://piclinic_host/api/session.php

Method Token required? Action
GET Yes Look up a token to get its validity and access authorizations
POST No Create a new session
PATCH Yes Update the settings of a current session
DELETE Yes Close a session and invalidate its token

The normal sequence of session interaction is to:

  1. POST a session to create a new session and receive its token
  2. GET a session using the token to test its access (this usually done only by administrators and is not commonly used by an application)
  3. PATCH a session to change its default settings
  4. DELETE a session to close it and invalidate its token so it cannot be used again

GET method

Returns information about the selected user session.

GET request parameters

The X-piClinic-token header value is used to identify the session owner making the request and, for most users, the query parameters are ignored. System administrators, however, can request information about another session by passing its token as a query parameter.

Parameter Values Function Example
token a valid session token tests token for validity and returns access information (SystemAdmin access only) token=c1cbed0e_082f_4c85_afaa_3e4286b840fd

GET request example


where piclinic_host is the host address.

GET response example

    "count": 1,
    "data": {
        "token": "dd710b65_2434_4326_927a_823596170770",
        "sessionIP": "",
        "sessionUA": "PostmanRuntime/7.13.0",
        "username": "SystemAdmin",
        "loggedIn": 1,
        "accessGranted": "SystemAdmin",
        "sessionLanguage": "en",
        "sessionClinicPublicID": null,
        "createdDate": "2019-06-13 13:32:31",
        "expiresOnDate": "2019-06-14 13:32:31"
    "status": {
        "httpResponse": 201,
        "httpReason": "New session created."

GET response properties

Properties Data type Description
accessGranted enum:
SystemAdmin, ClinicAdmin, ClinicStaff, ClinicReadOnly
Access authorization level
loggedIn Boolean 1 = active session, 0 = expired or closed session
sessionIP IP address The IP of the user account
sessionUA Text The User Agent of the user’s browser when the session was created
token Token GUID The token created when the session was created
sessionLanguage enum:
en, es
Language code of the response data
username Text The user’s username
sessionClinicPublicID Text Reserved.
createdDate datetime The date and time the session was created.
expiresOnDate datetime The date and time the session will expire automatically.

POST method

Validates the credentials passed and creates a new user session if they are valid.

POST request parameters

The X-piClinic-token header value is not required for POST requests

Parameter Values Function Example
username a valid username (not case sensitive) identify the user for whom to create a new session (see example below)
password the password for the user (case sensitive) authenticate the user creating a new session (see example below)

POST request example


where piclinic_host is the host address.

Note, a X-piClinic-token header is not required for a POST request.

POST data object example

	"username": "TestUser",
	"password": "MyPassword"

POST response example

    "count": 1,
    "data": {
        "token": "8c7300aa_bb77_4dd3_9126_93eb72645876",
        "sessionIP": "",
        "sessionUA": "PostmanRuntime/7.13.0",
        "username": "TestUser",
        "loggedIn": 1,
        "accessGranted": "SystemAdmin",
        "sessionLanguage": "en",
        "sessionClinicPublicID": null,
        "createdDate": "2019-06-13 13:17:17",
        "expiresOnDate": "2019-06-14 13:17:17"
    "status": {
        "httpResponse": 201,
        "httpReason": "New session created."

POST response properties

Properties Data type Description
accessGranted enum:
SystemAdmin, ClinicAdmin, ClinicStaff, ClinicReadOnly
Access authorization level
loggedIn Boolean 1 = active session, 0 = expired or closed session
sessionIP IP address The IP of the user account
sessionUA Text The User Agent of the user’s browser when the session was created
token Token GUID The token created when the session was created
sessionLanguage enum:
en, es
Language code of the response data
username Text The user’s username
sessionClinicPublicID Text Reserved.
createdDate datetime The date and time the session was created.
expiresOnDate datetime The date and time the session will expire automatically.

PATCH method

Updates selected properties of a session.

PATCH request parameters

Parameter Values Function Example
sessionLanguage en or es Sets the session’s default language sessionLanguage=es

The sessionLanguage property is the only session property that can be modified.

PATCH request example


where piclinic_host is the host address.

PATCH response example

    "count": 1,
    "data": {
        "token": "8c7300aa_bb77_4dd3_9126_93eb72645876",
        "username": "TestSA",
        "accessGranted": "SystemAdmin",
        "sessionLanguage": "es",
        "sessionClinicPublicID": null
    "status": {
        "httpResponse": 200,
        "httpReason": "Success"

PATCH response properties

Properties Data type Description
accessGranted enum:
SystemAdmin, ClinicAdmin, ClinicStaff, ClinicReadOnly
Access authorization level
token Token GUID The token created when the session was created
sessionLanguage enum:
en, es
Language code of the response data
username Text The user’s username
sessionClinicPublicID Text Reserved.

DELETE method

Closes the specified session.

DELETE request parameters

The DELETE request requires only a X-piClinic-token header.

DELETE request example


DELETE response example

    "count": 0,
    "data": "",
    "status": {
        "httpResponse": 200,
        "httpReason": "User session deleted."

DELETE response properties

The DELETE method returns no data, only status information.